The Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife is soliciting input on the draft 2021-2035 Fisheries and Hatcheries Division Strategic Management Plan.
This document represents the culmination of several years of planning, coordination and public engagement centered around three key objectives:
• To raise public awareness of the organization, operation and future management goals of the Fisheries and Hatcheries Division;
• To engage members of the general public and special interest groups on technical subcommittees to assist with outlining specific management needs for the state’s most important sport fish;
• And to increase public participation, including development of public stakeholder-supported and water-specific management plans.
The plan is comprised of three volumes which can be accessed from the links below. All public input, particularly comments that offer constructive feedback and potential solutions, will be accepted on all three volumes through Monday, Nov. 15.
Volume I: Managing Maine’s Inland Fisheries into the Future —
Volume II: Fisheries and Hatcheries Division Structure, Responsibilities, and Operations —
Volume III: Species Assessments —
Input can also be submitted by emailing Matt Lubejko, fisheries planner and research coordinator, at
Visit for more information related to this strategic planning process.
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