FARMINGTON — The Mt. Blue Regional School District / RSU 9 seeks to insure that all children within our district who are school aged ( ages 5 – 22 ) and possibly in need of special education services as a result of a suspected or current disability, are located, identified and evaluated as part of our Child Find process as required by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.

This may include children who are: homeless, state wards, state agency clients, children who have been suspended or expelled, attending private schools or receiving home instruction, incarcerated in county jails, children who have the equivalent of 10 full days of unexcused absences or seven consecutive days of unexcused absences during a school year, highly mobile children to include migrant children.

School staff, parents, or agency representatives or other individuals with knowledge of the child may refer children to the IEP team if they believe that the student, because of an existing disability or a suspected disability, may be in need of special education and related services in order to benefit from, and access general education.

The Child Find procedures of locating, identifying and evaluating children are at no cost to families and guardians. The Child Find process includes obtaining information on each child through multiple measures, direct assessments, parent information regarding academic and functional performance, gross and fine motor skills, receptive and expressive language skills, vision, hearing and cognitive abilities.

The IEP team will convene to review new or existing educational information to determine the evaluations required from which to determine a child’s eligibility for special education services and if eligible, develop an Individualized Education Plan or consider ongoing general education interventions if these are more appropriate based upon evaluation results.

To refer a child from ages 5 – 22 with a suspected disability, or a child with an existing disability, who may require special education and related services, please contact the Special Services Department at Mt. Blue Regional School District at 778-9517 or write to the Special Services Department at 129 Seamon Rd., Farmington, Maine 04938.

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