LIVERMORE — Selectpersons on Tuesday night agreed by consensus to a proposed policy that would provide guidance for employees who are close contacts for someone with COVID-19.

A three-page guide on employee illness and COVID-19 was shared by Administrative Assistant Aaron Miller.

“I didn’t want to play doctor when I did this, I just deferred to what the Maine CDC is saying,” he said. “What happens if someone has tested positive?”

“My concern is that we’re asking people to get tested, which is no longer free in a lot of places,” Selectperson Brett Deyling said. “You’re asking people to spend money to get a clearance. Our guidance for the town has always been ‘if you’re sick stay home.’ I would say that is pretty common sense.”

Guidance is needed if a spouse of an employee tests positive for COVID-19, Selectperson Mark Chretien said. What does that employee need to do? Does the employee wear a mask?

“We don’t want them carrying it to other employees,” he said. “That’s what I’m looking for.”


“I’ve talked with (former Selectperson) Benjamin Guild,” who works for the South Portland Fire Department, Chretien said. At that department, if a family member has COVID-19, an employee who tests negative can work but must wear a mask, he said.

“In an indoor circumstance, that makes sense,” Deyling said. “If you are sick, stay home. If you have been in close contact, wear a mask until they’re done with their illness.”

Supervisors need to be able to enforce it, Chretien said.

“If we make it easy for people, they are going to be more easily persuaded to do it,” Deyling said.

“As long as you make it medical and not political,” Selectperson Randy Ouellette said.

“If someone wears a mask, I put a mask on,” Miller said. “I do it as a matter of respect.”


In other business, Miller was asked to explore investment opportunities for American Rescue Plan Act money approved for the town.

The town received confirmation that it has been approved for $223,799 but the money hasn’t been received yet, Miller said. Should it be put in an interest-bearing account, if so, how long, he asked.

At the Sept. 14 meeting, Neal Goldberg with Maine Municipal Association gave an overview on how the federal funds could be spent.

Deyling requested having something to compare.

“Remember, Neal Goldberg said you could use that interest however you want,” Miller said.

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