Andrew Lewis’ letter in the Aug. 29 Sun Journal (“Auburn committee failed with mask choice vote“), hit the nail squarely on the head.

It’s way past the time when this foolish masking and vaccination issue was put to rest. How any parent could send their child to school unmasked if school masking is optional boggles the mind. Do they even care if their kid infects others?

Millions of shots have been given worldwide, yet the debaters and haters rail on with 101 reasons why it’s an unproven vaccine and it’s their “personal choice, their body.” Unless they are still listening to their friends and not the facts, they well know that they have a greater chance of dying from the Delta variant than even having side effects from vaxxing.

Knowing that, then it seems that holding firm in their convictions trumps common sense and even death. It is people’s right and privilege to have their opinion about masking and vaxxing mandates, and to even get COVID and die. However, it is not their right to force their opinion on others by wandering freely in public, possibly being asymptomatic and passing the virus along to others.

By the time their symptoms show, the damage has been done. They should follow the news from Florida and Texas to see how freedom of choice is working. All with the blessings from their governors.

This is mob insanity and plain stupid, not freedom from tyranny.

Jerry Hume, Turner

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