President Biden has accomplished much. He has put thousands out of work by canceling the Keystone Pipeline project while waiving sanctions for Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

His policies have engendered rising inflation. He has ignored a Supreme Court, thereby continuing to prevent landlords from evicting non-paying renters. The price of gasoline, timber, oil, food, and other commodities is increasing. Shortages abound.

Biden is still sending very remunerative checks to people who should be working. The southern border is a humanitarian disaster as the president continues to scorn immigration laws. Unmasked undocumented immigrants with COVID-19 are being allowed to enter, yet he is considering mask and vaccination mandates for citizens.

He has much responsibility for the current, embarrassing and deadly crisis in Afghanistan. He favors Critical Race Theory, in essence a racist concept. Thieves are stealing with impunity. There is a national crime wave along with “defund the police” movements.

We have a president who can not speak truthfully. He continually slurs his speech and exhibits dementia-like qualities as halting and memory recall. He favors the killing of unborn children. He has been accused, during his career in the swamp, to be a plagiarist.

Thank you, President Biden, and thank you to everyone, including the media martinets and Hollywood types, who voted for such an incompetent individual. He has surpassed Barack Obama as the worst United States president.

The only rebuttal to this will, by necessity, contain half-truths and blame shifting.

William Van Tassel, Turner

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