The states where COVID cases are increasing the most are almost entirely Republican.

Why are Republican leaders hurting their supporters with anti-vaccination propaganda? Why did the former president, who suffered from COVID, quietly get vaccinated before he left office? Why did Republicans at CPAC cheer anti-vaccine remarks?

Republicans such as Reps. Marjorie Greene and Lauren Boebert, QAnon conspiracy theorists, and numerous other Republicans have compared Americans having to wear a mask to Jews having to wear yellow stars in World War II. Jewish children and adults, easily identified by their yellow stars, were taken from their homes, forced into slave labor and starved and killed in concentration camps. The yellow star was used to hurt people.

In contrast, the purpose of the COVID shot is to help people mitigate a virus that is sometimes mild but can also cause death, brain damage and many other long-term serious side effects. Yellow stars are evil; vaccinations are good. There is no comparison.

According to The Washington Post, 183.8 million people in America have been vaccinated. Microchip trackers were not inserted into their bodies, the shot did not give them COVID, their DNA was not changed and the vaccine did not make the women sterile. We all need to believe proven science, not Internet/Fox/QAnon fake news.

People all over the world are eagerly trying to get anti-COVID shots. They envy our ability to easily get the vaccine.

Ellen Field, New Gloucester

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