Lewiston’s Julia Svor reached the quarterfinals of the state singles tournament and helped the Blue Devils advance to the semifinals of the team tournament this season. Andree Kehn/Sun Journal

There were many times when Lewiston coach Anita Murphy encouraged Julia Svor to lighten up and have fun during a singles match.

But Svor has always taken a serious approach to the game of tennis — especially during competition. It is just in her nature.

“Every time in between sets, I would always be serious,” Svor said. “(Murphy) would be like, ‘Why do you not smile?’”

Svor’s competitive spirit carried her deep into to the singles state championship tournament and earns her the Sun Journal’s All-Region Girls Tennis Player of the Year honor for the third time in her career.

“It is just crazy to be named player of the year (three seasons) in a row,” Svor said. “It is crazy, just putting in the hard work and you will get somewhere.”

Murphy said both sisters are “very serious” when they are on the court, but “competitive in a good way.”


“I have worked with her since she was five years old,” Murphy said. “She started out in the recreation program in the summer. I have been around them all these years — Julia and Abby. They are very competitive amongst themselves. They are really good teammates.”

Svor’s diligence paid off throughout the season and her strong play allowed her to advance to the quarterfinals in the singles championship.

“I am happy that I made it farther than than I did before in the singles championship,” she said. “I thought we weren’t even going to have a season. I am just happy that we were out playing.”

The past season also gave the Svor sisters a final opportunity to play together in high school.

“I think it was a special time with my sister for all three years,” Julia said. “We just battled each other every practice. She did as amazing as I did throughout the years.”

Abby and Julia will be attending St. Anselm College in New Hampshire this fall where they will be playing tennis for the Hawks. Julia plans to study biology with an interest in forensics.

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