LIVERMORE — Selectpersons Tuesday night, May 25, were told there are no upfront costs to install streetlights just the ongoing monthly.

Selectperson Scott Richmond had asked at the last board meeting that costs to install lights on Dudley’s Corner, Boothby and Federal roads be obtained.

Concern about a streetlight being out near the town garage on Church Street was also mentioned.

“CMP is going to fix that,” administrative assistant Aaron Miller said. “The town is going to vote to allowing you to enter into a 15-year agreement with CMP (to install LED lights).”

“I just wanted to make sure there were no upfront costs,” selectperson Scott Richmond said.

The town is going to save money with LEDs, Miller said. The board should consider any real problem areas between now and the June 8 vote to be suggested to CMP for an installation, he noted.


A streetlight had been at Long Green’s and needs to go back up, Richmond said.

Route 4 is a state road. Miller said he could contact them about the light.

“As far as I’m concerned, it’s the state’s,” Richmond said. “If they want to shaft us with Church Street, we’ll shaft them with lights.”

The state did do a traffic study for 24 hours, selectperson chairman Mark Chretien said. They usually do it for a week, he added.

Miller plans to follow up on the state’s view that Church Street is a state aid highway requiring the town to plow it.

“I’d like to understand their reasoning, the mechanics of the different definitions,” he said.


The board agreed that Jeff LaRoche, who was contracted for the town’s mowing would also mow when needed at the transfer station. The fee will be $200 per mowing.

“We don’t mow it every week because it will burn the grass,” Chretien said. “It’s not like the ball fields.”

Mowing would probably be needed four times per year, with the cost not exceeding $1,000, he added.

Peter Stokes was appointed to the cemetery committee after indicating he was interested in serving.

“We can’t be turning down volunteers,” Chretien said.

After making a few changes, board members signed the Town of Livermore Speed Feedback Sign Policy. Those wishing to request the sign should contact a member of the board and there must be space to allow the trailer to be fully off the travel lane.

Grant funding from the state was used to cover most of the costs, Richmond said.

In other business, Miller said Jay officials had approved money for the July 3 fireworks, was now waiting for Livermore Falls’ decision and the chamber to decide if they could be held. To make it official, selectpersons again voted to provide the town’s portion of the cost if the fireworks are held.

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