100 Years Ago: 1921

WHY PAY RENT — When you can buy a two-family house with electric lights on a corner lot for $2690 with an income from the start. We have a big list of new property for your Inspection (if thinking of buying). Contact L.B. Gould Co., at 31 Court St.. Auburn.

50 Years Ago: 1971

The Auburn Art Club will meet Monday at 2:30 at the Kate J. Anthony House with Ian Orman presenting the program. Art supervisor of the elementary schools in Auburn, he will speak on the art program  within the Auburn school system. Hostesses will be Mrs. E Farrington Abbott Jr. Mrs. Alfred M. Savignano, Mrs. Arthur B. Cummings, Mrs. Charles E. Kerr Jr.

25 Years Ago: 1996

Three gifted and talented students from Valley Mountain  Middle School in Mexico have been working on an Energy Saving project with school teacher Ann Rains since September. Angela Powell, an eighth-grader, Beth Ferguson and Katie Duguay, seventh-graders, set goals last fall to educate the community about energy and ways to save it. The girls created a puppet show, complete with a colorful 6-foot set and several hand-sewn puppets — Heidi Lopower, Sole R. Power, Wind E. Energy and Bye O. Mass – as a culmination of their energy study. The girls wrote the play script, then performed the show at Meroby Elementary School Friday. Throughout the year they have made posters and written articles for a local newspaper about energy and ways to conserve it. The girls also sent notices to teachers about the wise use of electricity in the classroom and patrolled school hallways to monitor the overuse of electricity.

The material used in Looking Back is produced exactly as it originally appeared although misspellings and errors may be corrected.

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