Agenda Regional School Unit 73 Board Meeting 6 p.m. Thursday, April 8

Spruce Mountain Primary School, Gibbs Mill Road, Livermore and/or via ZOOM

** Any person attending in person must wear a face mask **

1. Call to order

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Attendance


4. Adjustments to the agenda

5. Approval of meeting minutes, March 25

6. Communications/correspondence

7. Public comments

8. Board comments

9. Superintendent’s report: Scott Albert


10. Administrator reports

10.1. TJ Plourde, Spruce Mountain High School

10.2. Carolyn Luce, Spruce Mountain Middle School

10.3. Patrick St. Clair, Spruce Mountain Elementary School

10.4. Kevin Harrington, Spruce Mountain Primary School

10.5. Tammy Verreault, Special Education Director


10.6. Chris Hollingsworth, Curriculum & Technology Coordinator

11. Board chairperson’s report: Robert Staples

12. Committee reports

13. Policy

13.1. Second & final reading of Policy JK: Student Discipline

13.2. Second & final reading of Policy JKAA: Use of Physical Restraint & Seclusion


13.2.1. Final review: JKAA-R: Use of Physical Restraint & Seclusion – Administrative Procedures

13.3. Second & final reading of Policy JJIF: Management of Concussions & Other Head Injuries

13.4. Final review: JICH-R: Drug & Alcohol Use by Students – Administrative Procedures

14. Old business

14.1. COVID-19 update

15. New business


15.1. School Board discussion on Policy IKE: Placement Policy Waiver for FY21

15.2. Possible School Board action on waiver for Policy IKE: Placement Policy

16. Appointments

16.1. Co-curricular appointments

16.2. Other appointments/new hires/transfers

16.3. Retirements, resignations


17. Other business

18. Calendar/announcements

April 15, 6 p.m. FY22 Budget Public Hearing held via ZOOM

April 29, 6 p.m. School board meeting at Spruce Mountain Middle School

5:30 p.m. Finance Committee meeting

May 13, 6 p.m. School board meeting at Spruce Mountain Primary School


Certification and declaration of votes for FY22 budget

Approve assessment warrants and installment schedules for FY22 budget

Board members will need to sign said documents pending budget approval by towns.

19. Adjournment

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