Oxford Hills Comprehensive High School’s Cassidy Dumont is one of 10 semifinalists for the annual Miss Maine Basketball Award. Brewster Burns photo

A day after scoring her 1,000th career point, Emily Archibald of Kennebunk High headlines the 10 girls – seven from southern Maine schools – announced Wednesday as semifinalists for the annual Miss Maine Basketball award.

Thornton Academy’s Payton Jones and Dylan Griffin are the two southern Maine players among the 10 semifinalists for Mr. Maine Basketball.

Joining Archibald on the Miss Maine list are Glory Blethen of Boothbay, Camille Clement and Mollie Obar of Greely, Amanda Kabantu and Gemima Motema of Portland, and Gorham’s Adele Nadeau, along with Cassidy Dumont of Oxford Hills, Peyton Grant of Dexter and Sophia McVicar of Calais.

Last year, Dumont’s Oxford Hills teammate Julia Colby won the Miss Maine Basketball award.

The other semifinalists for Mr. Maine Basketball are Sawyer Deprey, Caribou; Parker Desjardins, Forest Hills; Kobe Gilbert, Piscataquis; Wyatt Hathaway, Leavitt; Dylan Huff, Brewer; Cash McClure, Maranacook; Matt Parent, Messalonskee; and Andrew Szwez, Bangor.

The Maine Association of Basketball Coaches also announced selections to its AA/A/B North and South and C/D North and South all-star teams, for what would have been the 41st annual Maine McDonald’s High School Senior All-Star games; as well as all-state foul shooters and academic teams, recognizing a total of 111 players.

There are no in-person banquets or all-star games this year.

The all-star players and Mr. and Miss Maine finalists will be honored March 19 at a virtual awards ceremony. The three finalists for Mr. and Miss Maine Basketball will be announced the week before.

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