Government again fails us at a critical time. Presently the state is supposedly running a COVID-19 vaccine program, but is horribly failing the older people who most deserve it.

I know a veteran of 87 who is in the most urgent risk category because of sickness, living alone and being unable to drive as the state in its infinite wisdom took away his driver’s license. He cannot find a group or organization to sign him up for the vaccine. Where is the state when you really need it?

How difficult, in this day and age of computers, is it to set up a telephone call-in by county or area to take names, age, contact information, ability to travel and other pertinent info, and be able to immediately re-contact when the vaccine is ready? Not so, this government of Maine that has lots of weasel-worded website locations but no place to sign up. Why the delay? Typical government.

It would seem to me the state would have all this in place before the vaccine is available, but apparently it is too busy telling us of the numbers who get the virus daily or the number who have died. Seems to me the priorities are badly misplaced. Typical government — a day late and a dollar short, or so it would seem.

Those left on their own are our most vulnerable older citizens who gave so much, but have been forgotten by the government yet again.

George Fogg, Auburn

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