Editor’s note: Welcome to Question of the Week, a forum for our subscribers to sound off on what they think. Each week, we pose a question to our subscribers and ask them to tell us what’s on their minds. (You can see a past example here.) To comment, simply sign up for the Talk Platform (create your profile here) and start chatting.

This week, we want to know your thoughts on what President-elect Joe Biden ought to focus his attention on in his first 100 days as president. 

Biden is getting inaugurated this week amidst a tumultuous transition, listing hefty goals for his first 100 days in office. So far, Biden has promised: 

– Standardizing $15 minimum wage and distributing $1400 checks in his relief bill

– Getting 100 million doses of the vaccine distributed

– Stopping construction of the border wall

– Renewing focus on clean energy

– Possibly chipping away at protections on Big Tech to reduce the spread of misinformation

And more. As a Mainer far from Washington, what do you care to see happen in the first 100 days of Biden’s presidency? What are you anxious or excited about? Let us know in the comments section below.

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