LIVERMORE — The Livermore Board of Selectpersons voted Monday night not to change the weekly pay period for municipal employees.

It will remain Monday through Sunday.

At their Oct. 26 meeting, selectpersons voted to adopt a Saturday-to-Friday pay period, and to move board meetings to Tuesdays, beginning with the new year.

“We wouldn’t have to move meetings on (Monday) holidays,” Administrative assistant Aaron Miller said in October.

After speaking with treasurer Mary Castonguay, Miller suggested keeping the pay period as is, with the payroll information due at noon Monday.

“There was a lot of confusion about that (the change),” Miller said. “Unless there’s a better reason to change it.”


If time cards are turned in by noon Monday, the payroll can be run and the checks ready Wednesday, Miller said.

Selectperson Scott Richmond asked what would happen on Monday holidays.

“If there’s a holiday Monday, (Castonguay) would have to do it on Friday or do it Tuesday morning,” Selectperson Chairman Mark Chretien said.

If payroll information were available by 10 a.m. Tuesday, the treasurer could have the checks by Wednesday, Miller said.

“She (Castonguay) just wanted to keep it the same. The books are already set up that way,” Chretien said. “That will give her time to do it with the meetings Tuesday night.”

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