Once again as in Robert Frost’s poem, we find ourselves at a “fork in the road.”

We decidedly took the wrong path in 2016 and got saddled with a weird combination of carnival barker, snake oil salesman and a flimflam man — the most unqualified person for the office of president of these United States, never mind leader of the free world. An individual devoid of the human traits of humility, empathy and compassion, and instead imbued with a pathological aversion to telling the truth, and a penchant for self-aggrandizement promotion.

This country cannot endure four more years of underhanded dealings, trampling of cultural customs, paying homage to tyrants and thugs, empowering white supremacy sympathizers, inciting unrest, untrusting science, dispersing conspiracy theories and undermining our democracy by politicizing our institutions — which are ours, the totality of American citizens, not his personal property. Vote.

René Zaldumbide

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