What documentarian Michael Moore has written is true: President Trump is “a consistent, absolute, unrelenting, fearless, and professional liar.”

That truth should suffice to deny him a second term.

Trump’s lies are often laughably lame. Recall, for example, his insistence that he was being sarcastic when he suggested injecting disinfectant to cure COVID-19. Rubbish — he was dead serious.

Or recall the time he claimed he misspoke when he said at a summit meeting in Finland with the ingratiating viper, Vladimir Putin, that he didn’t think the Russian president would have had reason to meddle in the 2016 elections. Nonsense; he was pressured on all sides to recant.

The estimated total of Trump’s lies is a walloping 25,000. Clearly, the man is a liar past redemption.

Like millions of Americans, I’ve had it to here with the shyster-on-stilts, bullhorn in hand.  By rights, he should be sent packing on Election Day.

William LaRochelle, Lewiston

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