I have many problems with Donald Trump, but as a physician I would like to focus on his effect on our health over the last four years. He has tried to eliminate the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) without producing any replacement. He distrusts medical expertise. His disregard for science imperiled his own health and has resulted in thousands of avoidable deaths.

The Environmental Protection Agency has reversed or weakened over 100 regulations pertaining to air pollution and the protection of watersheds. Trump’s Environmental “Degradation” Agency threatens our health.

Then there is the condition of the planet. By calling climate change a Chinese hoax, by abandoning the Paris Climate Accord, by favoring smokestacks over wind turbines and solar panels, Trump is delaying vital responses to a vast problem that threatens the health of future generations.

Instead of making America great, Donald Trump has made this country irresponsible and sickly.

Edward Walworth, Lewiston


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