Reasons we urge voters to remove Susan Collins from office:

  • She supported the 2017 Tax Act, benefiting corporations while threatening Social Security and Medicare;
  • She voted to confirm the president’s judicial nominees despite their lack of qualifications, and most notably for Brett Kavanaugh, who clearly demonstrated lack of integrity and emotional stability during his hearing;
  • Her loyalty to her party consistently takes priority over her constituents’ welfare, as exemplified in her role toward the GOP goal to eliminate the Affordable Care Act;
  • She voted not to impeach the president despite the indisputable fact that he had obstructed justice;
  • She continues to support a president who has repeatedly displayed white supremacy tendencies, has undermined efforts to protect our climate, and has jeopardized our democracy; and
  • She is clearly part of the problem and not part of the solution.

Gil Arsenault and Kay Herbert, Sumner

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