As a registered nurse for 38 years, I have seen both the successes and failures of our health care system. Emergency treatment for people having a stroke or heart attack not only saves lives but also avoids long-term disability. In contrast, many people with chronic illness or disease are unable to get necessary treatment because they cannot afford it, leading to worsening disability or early death. I have witnessed a social worker talking with the family of an ICU patient, being told that they had reached their maximum insurance coverage and asking about family savings or assets to pay for care.

If you are concerned about health care, vote for Democrats.

Because of Democrats, 20 million Americans are covered by the Affordable Care Act, over 60 million are covered by Medicare, people cannot be denied coverage for a preexisting illness, MaineCare was expanded to low-income workers, and young adults can stay on their parent’s insurance. We are at risk of losing these policies.

Republicans at both national and state levels have spent years trying to appeal and gut the ACA; at the same time not offering anything to improve or replace it. Their loyalty is to the rich and powerful insurance industry and drug companies. Republicans cannot be trusted with our health care.

With good Democratic leadership, we can keep what is working and fix what isn’t. We can move toward spending less money with better outcomes.

Join me in voting for Democrats for a better health care future.

Lisa Lisius, Farmington

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