FARMINGTON — Register now to reserve your seat! Bridge with Paul Brown $40 — Bridge can be fun and competitive! Bring a partner or come alone to learn the basics of bridge including bidding and play. Come as a beginner or come to refresh your skills. We will learn something new each night and play for fun! Starts Oct 15 – Nov 19 on Thursdays from 6 – 8 p.m., at the Adult Learning Center 129 Seamon Road, Suite A. Call 207-778-3460

Homemade Goat Milk Soap Session 2 with Karen Shumac, $40 — Over the course of two sessions, we will transform common kitchen ingredients into beautiful handcrafted soap. On the first night, we will briefly discuss the science of soap making, safety tips, tools and ingredients. Then, using a basic recipe we will combine vegetable oils and goat milk into a simple but luxurious soap, the likes of which you will not find on the grocery store shelf. On the second night we will expand our repertoire by adding the color, scent, and/or exfoliant of your choice. Each participant will go home with several bars of soap. Materials: $15 pay to instructor at first class. Runns from Nov 4 – 11, Wed. from 6 – 9 p.m. on Mt. Blue Campus, 129 Seamon Road, Suite A, call 207-778-3460

Compassionate Integrity Training – Self Compassion with Sheila Adkins, $50 — Instructor: Sheila Adkins MS.CPTD, will show that the first step toward improving relationships with others and making a positive impact in communities is developing an increased level of personal well-being. A greater degree of inner calm, self-control, emotional intelligence, and self-compassion benefits oneself, while also providing a firm foundation upon which to build pro-social skills. CIT will provide you with a safe space for self-learning with a focus on progress, not perfection. Learn skills for self-awareness and self-compassion, and provide you with gentle guidance on your personal journey. Location: ZOOM. Class runs from Oct 29 – Nov 19 on Thurs. from 6 – 8 p.m. For ZOOM directions, call us at (207)778-3460

Compassionate Integrity Training – Full Program with Sheila Adkins, $125. Compassionate Integrity Training is a resiliency-based program that cultivates human values as skills so we can thrive as individuals and a society, within a healthy environment. When we learn how to calm our bodies and minds, deal effectively with our emotions, and relate to others with dignity and compassion, we have the ability to create a better world. CIT focuses on and builds toward compassionate integrity: the ability to live one’s life in accordance with one’s values with a recognition of common humanity, our basic orientation to kindness and reciprocity. The CIT Program is designed to improve your individual well-being, relationships with others, and engagement with the world by increasing your ability to practice the skills. We will participate in large and small group discussions, experiential learning activities, reflective writing, mindful dialogue, and contemplative practices.

Series I: Self-Cultivation:

Calming Body and Mind, Ethical Mindfulness, Emotional Awareness, Self-Compassion


Series II: Relating to Others:

Impartiality and Common Humanity, Forgiveness and Gratitude, Empathic Concern, Compassion

Series III: Engaging in Systems: Appreciating Interdependence

Starts Oct 19 – Dec 14, on Mon. from 6 – 8 p.m., at the Adult Learning Center, 129 Seamon Road, Suite A. Call 207-778-3460 for more information.

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