Tiffany Maiuri’s service at both the municipal and county levels of government in Franklin County is all of the above. That is why she has my vote for Franklin County commissioner to represent District 1 (Temple, Wilton, Jay, Carthage, Washington and Perkins Townships).

In my years of reporting on local government for the Morning Sentinel, the Livermore Falls Advertiser and the Maine Townsman, I observed the good, the bad and the indifferent in municipal leadership. I know leadership when I see it. And Maiuri fills the bill.

As chair of the Wilton Select Board, she spearheaded the town’s hiring its own part-time economic developer. Her push to spend $12,000 in Tax Increment Financing monies resulted in four new businesses and $400,000 in economic development grants, without raising taxes. That’s what I call strong leadership.

Jo Josephson, Temple

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