BIDDEFORD — In an unprecedented time of need, the newly formed Biddeford and Mechanics Savings Charitable Foundation is pledging funds to assist food insecure and homeless children and adults in Maine.

The foundation has approved a three-year commitment of $8,000 for a total of $24,000 to the Lewiston Schools Homeless Youth program to go directly to the purchase of a new van. The van will be used to reach more children in crisis, more families who need help getting food and supplies and getting to medical appointments, plus assisting in finding housing.

Additionally, the foundation approved $5,000 to support the Good Shepherd Food Bank this year. The food bank distributes millions of pounds of food to food pantries, meal sites, shelters, senior centers and schools in all of Maine’s 16 counties.

The Biddeford and Mechanics Savings Charitable Foundation was created in July and is structured to give back to the communities in a larger, more enduring way. The foundation’s mission is to help individuals and families in the bank’s local communities meet their basic needs and achieve financial empowerment.

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