Social media accounts:

Customer service

University of Southern Maine, associate degree

Community Organizations:
Auburn Democratic Committee; Maine People’s Alliance

Personal information (hobbies, etc.):
Hiking, walking, traveling when I can

Family status:


Years in the Legislature: 6

Committee assignments (if elected):
Heath Coverage, Insurance, and Financial Services


1) Are you satisfied with the state’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic? If yes, why? If not, what do you think should be done instead?
Maine has a low infection rate, a low death rate, and Maine’s economy is recovering faster than in most states. We owe this success to the phenomenal job that Gov. Mills and her team have done.

2) As the state tries to balance its upcoming budget in light of the reduction in tax revenue because of the pandemic, how would you decrease expenses or increase revenues?
The Trump administration has extended immense tax breaks to the wealthiest, leaving working and middle class people to pick up the tab. The wealthiest and corporations need to pay their fair share.

3) How does serving as a local politician in your respective party align to the larger goals of that party?
As a Democrat, I believe that working hard means you should get ahead. I believe in robust consumer and environmental protections. I believe in protecting our most vulnerable.

4) What do you think is the most pressing matter that pertains to the next generation of Mainers who may be voting for the first time?
Will they have a chance for true economic stability throughout their life? Will working hard ensure that they can get ahead? Wages remain low and not everyone has access to all the basic necessities.

5) Are you frustrated by the political sniping, exaggeration and even lies between the parties and their supporters that have threatened progress usually reached through respect and reasoned compromise? If so, what will you personally do to make the situation better?
The media can be drawn to reporting only on the contentious issues, while a bulk of what we do in Augusta we do civilly and often reach consensus. However, President Trump is truly frightening.

6) If you are elected, is there anything in particular that you hope to accomplish? And briefly, why?
I’d like to see every Mainer earn enough to enable them to cover at least the basic needs for their families: a good education, access to healthy food, quality health care, safe housing.

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