The Lewiston school superintendent and School Committee need to be kept accountable for the recent reversal of their decision to discontinue busing of students to Connors Elementary School.

According to school policy, any student living within a mile and a quarter from their respective school is considered a walking student and is not bused. That, however, does not seem to apply to students at Connors who, for the most part, live less than one mile from school.

A lot of money was spent to construct a walking path from the former Longley School to Connors to accommodate the students. The path is not being used because all students are now being bused.

How unfair is this to all other students who have to walk, and to parents who have to make arrangements for safe transportation for their children?

Is this decision discrimination?

I encourage all parents who are affected by this discrimination to contact the superintendent or their respective School Committee member and ask for fairness for all.

Jacqueline Smith, Lewiston

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