LIVERMORE — Voters in Livermore approved adoption Tuesday of an ordinance and 48 other articles normally presented at the annual town meeting.

In May, the Board of Selectpersons voted to hold the 2020 annual town meeting by referendum due to guidelines from the Maine Center for Disease Control & Prevention. To help slow the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, gatherings were limited to less than 50 people.

Town Clerk Renda Guild said Tuesday that 137 ballots were cast, 41 by absentee ballot.

“That’s a wicked-incredible number,” she said.

In a 91-44 vote, the town’s medical marijuana ordinance was enacted.

Voters were in favor of all other articles, including two for which the Budget Committee recommended no votes.

Residents voted 82-52 to appropriate $368,054 for the Highway Department and $400,000 for capital road improvements.

At last year’s town meeting, voters cut $16,500 from the selectpersons’ recommended amount of $395,000 for capital road improvements.

A proposal by Budget Committee member Warren Forbes to cut it to $350,000 failed.

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