Sue Micholvitz will deliver an online presentation, “It Takes a Village to Build a Community: The Guatemala Experience,” at 6 p.m. Thursday, July 2. The program will be presented by the Camden Public Library via the Zoom platform and will illuminate her travels with a pictorial slideshow. Courtesy photo from Sue Micholvitz

Sue Micholvitz will deliver an online presentation, “It Takes a Village to Build a Community: The Guatemala Experience,” at 6 p.m. Thursday, July 2. The program will be presented by the Camden Public Library via the Zoom platform and will illuminate her travels with a pictorial slideshow. Courtesy photo from Sue Micholvitz

CAMDEN — Sue Micholvitz will deliver an online presentation, “It Takes a Village to Build a Community: The Guatemala Experience,” at 6 p.m. Thursday, July 2, presented by the Camden Public Library via the Zoom platform. It will illuminate her travels with a pictorial slide show. Email to request a link to attend.

From her perspectives as a photographer and physical therapist, Micholvitz will discuss what she has learned from her participation in nine medical and community outreach missions to Guatemala from 2007 to 2018. The joys and challenges of her experiences will be shared. She looks forward to engaging in a rich conversation with participants.

Micholvitz is presently an MFA candidate in media arts at Maine Media College. Her work is in photography and book arts. Prior to entering the MFA program, she spent a 45-year career as a physical therapist, including teaching masters and doctoral students, delivering clinical care and participating in research. She is an adjunct associate professor, Department of Rehabilitation and Regenerative Medicine, Program in Physical Therapy, Columbia University. Micholvitz has served as a volunteer with Guatemala Healing Hands Foundation for medical and community outreach trips to Guatemala.

For more information about this and other programs, visit

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