100 Years Ago: 1920

Daylight Savings, which went into effect at Augusta Sunday upset the morning service at the Winthrop Street Baptist Church. Drew T. Hathorne, principal of Coburn Classical Institute of Waterville, who was to have supplied the pulplt, came to Augusta on the Maine Central railroad, which is running on standard time. This made him an hour late. Upon arriving at the church, he met the congregation leaving on their way home.

50 Years Ago: 1970

Lake Auburn still bears a winter cover of ice over about three-quarters of its surface and the ice-out might not come for another few days. ‘Game Warden Robert Tribou of Minot said Sunday night that there is a considerable water at the point where Townsend Brook enters the lake. Sabattus Lake is now open.

25 Years Ago: 1995

Edward Little High School recently hosted its annual winter sports banquet. Honored were athletes who had completed in basketball, hockey, swimming, skiing, indoor track and cheering. The winners of the Larry Davis Award were presented to Jamie Fawcett and Lara Kendall by Chuck Davis of the Auburn Ski Association.

The material used in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspellings and errors may be corrected.

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