The pathway heading east toward the snowmobile bridge. Hamel’s business sign “Bill Hamel’s Car Care” can be seen on the far left at the beginning of his driveway. Bethel Citizen photo by Samuel Wheeler

BETHEL — Selectmen discussed a letter written by resident Bill Hamel regarding concerns he has about a trail crossing with his driveway. Due to the bike and foot traffic, the resident thought that marking should be put up to let people know there is a crossing there.

Some ideas were a painted crosswalk, signage installed by the town and signage put up seasonally by the snowmobile club.

Code Enforcement Officer Toby Walker said another concern of Hamel’s was that in the wintertime snowmobiles would drive fast through the crossing, sometimes while he was trying to leave his driveway.

Southam wondered if a stop sign could be put in year round at the crossing.

Southam said other pathways he has been on have had stop signs at every driveway crossing, and noted that as of now, Bethel does not have many driveways on their pathway.

Select woman Michele Varuolo Cole suggested that Walker and Town Manager Loretta Powers find out that signage situation for the soon to be pathway extension on the North Road.


Powers agreed with Cole’s suggestion.

Other news

Selectmen discussed finding a health inspector for the town.

One of the duties of a health inspector is informing people if they think their home is unsafe.

Loretta Powers said “rarely” is a health inspector actually called upon in the area.

Selectman Pete Southam wondered what certifications and background someone needs to be a health inspector.


Powers said there is an online training people have to take.

Powers also said the town plans to start looking for someone to fill the role.

Selectmen unanimously agreed taking  any town employees unused vacation time from this year and maintaining it into the following year.

Usually on June 30, which is the end of the towns fiscal year, “any full time employee cannot have more than 24o accumulated vacation hours on the books,” according to Town Clerk Christen Mason.

Some employees had vacations planned earlier this that were cancelled due to the COVID-19 outbreak.




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