SPACE Gallery in Portland is pleased to announce an open call for our new multi-disciplinary remote exhibition, “Broadcasts: Art in the Age of Social Distancing.” We will share this project with audiences around the world through a twice weekly newsletter, with additional highlights on our website and social media channels.

We invite artists, musicians, writers, performers, and thinkers of all kinds to submit documentation of the work they are making, performing, and practicing in isolation. “Broadcasts” seeks to archive artists’ testimonies and creative responses to the COVID-19 pandemic as it unfolds, highlighting the artistic drive to bear witness, process experience, and adapt to a changing world. With theaters, museums, galleries, libraries, clubs, and venues all shuttered in the name of public health, the exhibition explores remote ways of promoting collective communion with art when we cannot gather together.

To make a submission, email us at with the subject line “Broadcasts”. Attach or provide a download link to photos (jpeg, tiff, png, or pdf) of your work or videos (mp4) of you performing your work. By sending us a video, you consent to us publishing it on our Youtube channel. Let us know where you live or create (where is your remote broadcast coming from?) and please include a few sentences about your experience of social distance and its impacts on your creative practice. Include your website, Bandcamp link, social media handle, or personal fundraiser link.

To view the broadcasts, opt in by sending an email to to receive our twice weekly email with exclusive artist broadcasts and testimonies. Follow SPACE on Instagram and Facebook for posts tagged #broadcastsfromspace. Share with your friends and help spread the word. SPACE Gallery is located at 538 Congress St., Portland.

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