Special Ed

Julia Parker is the administrative assistant in the district’s Special Education Office. She has worked in local school districts for 20-plus years, starting with MSAD 36, then Jay School Department and now RSU 73. She lives in Livermore with her husband and they are blessed with two sons, a daughter-in-law and grandson. They love their family dog, a yellow lab named Roxy. She looks forward to annual trips to Old Orchard Beach and spending time at the family camp on Long Pond.

Spruce Mountain Primary School

Jody Ladd is an elementary education teacher who currently teaches kindergarten. She graduated from University Maine Farmington and worked in Regional School Unit 9 before starting as a grade 2 teacher for MSAD 36 in 1998. She has taught second grade, reading and math intervention for grades K-5, and has been in kindergarten for four years. She spends a lot of time at home, but would love to travel to many different places some day. She enjoys taking long drives and going to the beach during the summer. She spends a great deal of time attending plays, concerts, and sporting events for her children during the school year.

Spruce Mountain Elementary School

Karly Wilkins has been the library education technician at the elementary school since 2013. She attended Livermore Falls schools and grew up in our area, then graduated from UMF with an elementary education degree. She loves sharing cool books with students and getting to know every student in the school. She also loves children’s books just as much as her students do.

Miss Wilkins LOVES Bruins hockey and spending time with her family, especially her new nephew. In her free time, she enjoys baking, crafting, and, of course, reading.

Spruce Mountain High School

Eric Jewett is a math teacher at the high school. He started his career in 1988 at Buckfield High School and came to Livermore Falls High School in 1994. When not in school, he spends his time in Fayette taking long walks, working in his shop, being a ministry leader at his church, learning how to cook, working on a piece of music, and talking to his cat. His thoughts often focus on when and where he will take his next camping trip. He has three sons Keith, Tad, and Ian (who was recently married to Miranda).

Julia Parker is the administrative assistant in the district’s special education office. Submitted photo

Jody Ladd teaches is a Kindergarten teacher at the primary school. Submitted photo

Karly Wilkins works in the library at the elementary school. Submitted photo

Eric Jewett teaches math at the high school. Submitted photo

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