Adrienne Bennett, left, Eric Brakey, center, and Dale Crafts. File photos

LEWISTON – Republican congressional candidate Eric Brakey of Auburn has a big fundraising lead heading into Thursday’s debate among the three GOP contenders for Maine’s 2nd Congressional District seat.

Brakey, a former state senator, has raised more than $500,000 and has about half of it left.

Lagging behind are Dale Crafts of Lisbon, who has $134,000 on hand, and Adrienne Bennett of Bangor, with $37,000 in her coffers. Bennett raised $48,000 while Crafts raised $175,000, including a $47,000 loan he made to his campaign.

The three are scheduled to face off in a 90-minute debate at Lewiston Middle School, sponsored by the Androscoggin County Republican Committee.

The party urged GOP voters to “come listen to the candidates debate to help you decide who you will vote for” in the June 9 primary when one of three will claim the general election ballot line against U.S. Rep. Jared Golden, a first-term Democrat who won one of the closest races in the country in 2018.

Matt Gagnon, chief executive officer of the Maine Heritage Policy Center, is slated to serve as moderator, asking his questions and some submitted from the audience.

Golden reported to the Federal Election Commission that his campaign has raised $1.6 million through the end of December and has $1.3 million left.

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