LIVERMORE FALLS — Selectmen agreed Tuesday to have the town manager and Public Works Department foreman look for a new truck to replace one that was destroyed in an accident in December.

Town custodian Gary Dorr was driving the town’s pickup truck on Pleasant Street, which is Route 133, when it was struck on the driver’s side by another truck driven by a Chesterville man, which was coming off of Union Street. Dorr was injured in the accident.

Town Manager Stephen Gould told selectmen Tuesday that the insurance company would give the town $5,000 for the 15-year-old truck with about 52,000 miles on it and a tailgate lift to compensate for the loss.

The Livermore Falls Water District is looking at buying a new truck. The truck is a 2014 two-wheel drive. The district would like $11,600 for the truck that has 42,000 miles on it, Gould said. A local dealership would give the district an $11,700 trade-in value if the district bought a truck through it, he said.

A new basic, stock model, two-wheel drive truck is estimated to cost about $23,000.

New trucks come with a warranty, Public Works foreman Bill Nichols said, and with a used one, you fix it if something goes wrong.


Dorr would like another two-wheel drive because it is easier to get in and out of if loading or removing items from the bed, Nichols said.

When it snows, he uses a town plow truck, he said.

Nichols has searched online and contacted dealerships in and out of state looking for a used truck in good condition.

It is estimated to cost between $9,000 and $9,500 to get a used one, Gould said.

A used truck would last eight to nine years and a new one 15 to 18 years, Nichols said.

Gould asked selectmen their opinion on buying a new truck. A town meeting would be needed for the purchase, he said. The $5,000 could be a down payment and it could be financed over two or three years.


Board Chairman Rodney Heikkinen said the truck could be paid for outright.

When the town bought a loader last year, Nichols said, there was zero interest on it for three years.

Selectman Sarah Flagg said she thought buying a new one was best.

Selectman Heather Bronish agreed.

“I think it makes more sense,” she said. Selectman Nixon Ortiz was also in favor.

Heikkinen and Selectman Jeff Bryant agreed but said they would need to look at financing information.

Nichols said he would apply for a grant from Maine Municipal Association to buy a new tailgate lift.

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