LISBON — The town’s plan for reconstructing Pinewoods Road is in the design phase, and the project will go out to bid as soon as it’s complete, according to town officials.

The reconstruction, which runs between Spruce Street and Cotton Road, is being financed by a $1.5 million bond voters approved in November.

At the Town Council meeting Tuesday night, members voiced concern that the project get lined up with a contractor as soon as possible, to help ensure the project gets completed this year amid a high demand for road work across the state.

“Anything that puts us ahead of everybody else means that we’re not waiting at the end of the line,” said council member Allen Ward.

“I know most contractors are still overlapped from last year with projects they didn’t get completed, so I think it’s going to be a challenge,” council member Fern Larochelle added.

The council passed an order allowing solicitation of bids on the project as soon as the design is complete.

Meanwhile, Public Works Director Randy Cyr said his department is doing what it can to maintain the road amid difficult weather conditions where freeze and thaw inevitably create cracks and potholes.

“Pinewoods Road is bad, and we all know it,” Cyr told the council Tuesday night. “We’re trying to keep on top of it.”

Public Works also wants the public to know that because of the variable weather conditions, with freeze and thaw, sidewalks may be slippery, particularly in the mornings.

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