Oxford — Selectmen’s Meeting
Nov. 7, 2019

Workshop on the Personnel Policy 5 p.m.

Public Hearing – Consideration of the renewal liquor license application for the Honey Badger Bar & Grill.
Public Hearing – Consideration on a renewal Junkyard permit application for Oxford Auto Salvage Inc.

Selectmen’s Agenda 6 p.m.

Call to order and flag salute

Chairman Scott Hunter will preside.


Action on minutes
Action on minutes dated Oct. 17, 2019.

Adjustments to agenda

Public comment (Please state your name and town that you are from for the record)

Old business – none

New business

To approve the Abatement requested by Hubert Kauffman for the property located at 262 Coldwater Brook Road. The assessor recommends this abatement be denied.


To approve the Abatement requested by Jeff Fink for the property located at 85 Beechwoods Road. The assessor recommends this abatement be denied.

To approve an abatement for DEKA Retirement Funds, LLC (U47-001-0HL) in the amount of $631.50. Mobile home was removed prior to April 1, 2019.

To approve an abatement for Jeffrey Milligan and Susan Clukey Milligan (R05-011-00B) in the amount of $435.30. 47 acres should have been calculated in Tree Growth.

To approve an abatement for Jeffrey Andrews (R11-012-00C) in the amount of $4981.85. Assessed value inaccurately keyed into system as 369,033 instead of 36,903.

To approve an abatement for Kenneth Hornbostel (U13-058) in the amount of $265.50. Increased building value per permit for addition – not built on April 1, 2019.

To approve an abatement for Ronald & Laura Allen (U45-043) in the amount of $475.50. Mobile home and outbuildings were demolished prior to April 1, 2019.


To approve an abatement for Daniel Levis (R05-026) in the amount of $900.02. Land should have been assessed in Farm and Tree Growth.

To approve an abatement for Priscilla Locke (R02-031-00C) in the amount of $300.00. Ms. Locke is still entitled to a homestead exemption. (She is using an Auburn mailing address.)

To approve an abatement and supplemental tax bill on U36-002 Account 2359 for the amount of $1305.00. Abatement to Timothy L. Roberts Senior., supplemental to Timothy L. Roberts. Due to merge of names in the Trio Billing System.

To approve an abatement for Neal Cohen (R13-015-00A) in the amount of $1338.00. Building removed prior to April 1, 2019.

To approve an abatement for Richard Henry, Jr. (R12-006-001) in the amount of $147.00. Assessor, after an exterior inspection, recommends a reduction in building value of $9,800.

To approve a renewal liquor license for the Honey Badger Bar & Grill.


To approve the renewal application for a Junkyard Permit for Oxford Auto Salvage Inc.

Steve Roderick – discussion of Sewer Fees

Discuss and decision on Sewer fees for the Oxford Waste Water Sewer.

Review of the Third party policy.

Review of the Pay raise Policy.

To authorize the town manager to expend an amount not to exceed $2,700 for the purpose of surveying the lots located in the Business Park. Said funds to come out of the Walmart TIF/Economic Development Fund 15-01-20-15.

To authorize the town manager to expend an amount not to exceed $17,000 for the purpose of amending the Rte. 26 (Walmart) TIF District. Said funds to come out of the Walmart TIF/Economic Development Fund 15-01-20-15.

To authorize the Town Manager to apply for a grant through Efficiency Maine and The Nature Conservancy to replace interior and exterior lighting at the Public Safety Building with new LED’s.

Town Manager’s report
Selectmen’s items
Sign warrants 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61
Executive session: To enter in executive session with Town Manager to discuss a personnel matter pursuant to M.R.S.A. Title 1, Chapter 13, Section 405 (6)(A).

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