Robert Mennealy

Robert C. Mennealy

Occupation: Retired. Previously a business manager in public and private sectors.

Education: Bachelor of Science in education, a government major at University of Maine at Orono, 1971. Master’s degree in public administration, UMO, circa 1980

Family:  Married with two grown children.

Political experience: Auburn School Committee. Three-term former Auburn city councilor; previous member of the county charter commission.

Why are you running for School Committee? If elected, what will be your priorities? 

While we finally have a new high school coming, the Auburn school system needs to improve in other ways. Our test scores and students-proficiency ratings are shockingly low. We need to reaffirm the teaching of basic reading, writing and arithmetic. Auburn school system’s low marks prevent new professionals from moving to Auburn. We must improve.


What do you like and what don’t you like about the school budget that passed in the spring?

The school budget we passed last spring met the basic needs of the School Department, while not increasing the city’s tax rate. Additional spending on necessary positions such as ed techs would have been nice, but we could not afford them.

How would you rate Superintendent Katy Grondin’s job performance? Do you support renewing her contract? Why or why not?

No answer.

Rose Walker Submitted

Name: Rose Walker

Occupation: I am an educational technician for Lewiston Public Schools

Education: Currently completing my degree in K-8 elementary education


Family: I have a husband, Shane Walker, and two girls, Daisy, 5, and Olivia, 3. Daisy has just begun kindergarten at Washburn Elementary.

Political Experience: I currently serve as the professional development executive director for the Lewiston Education Association. In 2019, I worked with the Lewiston School Committee as an advocate for educational technicians for the Lewiston School Department.

Why are you running for School Committee? If elected, what will be your priorities?

I am running for the School Committee to support students and teachers in education. As an educator, I know firsthand the challenges teachers face in order to provide the best learning environment for their students. As educators, administration, community members and students, we need to work collaboratively to create interest-based solutions. We need an agenda that puts the students at the center of any educational policy. If elected I hope to facilitate these conversations and provide another perspective in restoring the trust and support in these relationships. The vision of community involvement begins with our promises to each other.

What do you like and what don’t you like about the school budget that passed in the spring?

In this particular budget season, we faced difficult challenges. Looking at how we can creatively manage our budget and understand where we can make creative solutions will create success in our community. Utilizing our $45.3 million school budget needs to effectively provide services and opportunities to all students. We can celebrate that Auburn has a 1.7% higher teacher-to-student ratio when compared to Lewiston public schools. With that being said, we should be cognizant of our needs and spending.

How would you rate Superintendent Katy Grondin’s job performance? Do you support renewing her contract? Why or why not?

In the Auburn School District, we need to understand that it is essential to have the commitment of staff 100% of the time. I hope to work with Superintendent Katy Grondin to rebuild that trust between teachers and the community. As educators, we build the culture and we create the involvement. Our excitement about education and community needs to come for our leaders with a clear direction that is clearly communicated and facilitated by our educators and key stakeholders.

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