Oak Hill High School’s drama club – The Little Theatre in the Woods – will present their fall production of “Around the World in 8 Plays” on Oct. 18 and 19 at 7 p.m. and on Oct. 20 at 2 p.m.
The actors in this play will take the audience around the world and explore forgotten myths and unusual legends in eight fast-paced and hilarious tales. Guided by a band of players, the audience is transported from the ancient Far East, where a hero must kill a giant centipede to save a dragon king, to the Russian countryside, where a poor orphan must defeat three witches who stole his grandfather’s eyes. Always quirky, and sometimes bizarre, these eight tales are filled with magic, mystery, and morals.
Included in the cast are: Chelsea Emerson-Reed, Michaella Lee Henry, Aidan Tracy, Marissa Morgans, Marissa Smith, Ally Deditch, Jonny Stinson, Arianna Johnson, Maya Ham, Tabitha Hustus, Grace Woodard, Christina Coleman, Dominick Spencer, Taylor Bubier, and Mr. David Maher. The technical crew include Taylor Bubier, Saraphin Bechard, Autumn Chadburn, Madison Chase, Courtney Gallagher, Dominick Gordon, and Nick Linkel. The play is directed by Lucy Rioux with technical direction provided by David Maher. Costumes are designed by Lyn Swan.
Tickets will be available at the door. For more information, contact Lucy Rioux at lucyrioux@gmail.com.
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