I visit many learning spaces, and I welcome students to school. I couldn’t be more excited. At night I think about how fortunate I am to have this opportunity.

I promise students that I will work tirelessly to make Lewiston High School the place where their direction, competence, resilience and empathy can grow. I promise that they will have the opportunities that facilitate their future.

And then I look at multiple teachers who don’t have a room to call their own. I look at art and special education spaces that do not fulfill that promise that we are collectively working toward.

I live here. I am raising my kids here. And children within all the borders of Lewiston can go to Lewiston High School — home to nearly a centennial of history and tradition of pushing kids to be all they can.

On Nov. 5, Lewiston residents can vote is to expand LHS — to provide the opportunities to our kids that we say in so many ways is the promise that we want better for our children than what we had. This upgrade is the next piece to that promise.

While I promise to create the learning opportunities our students need to chase their dreams, I am hoping that residents can see the potential — to see a community, to see the colors and unity of what it means to expand our facility — not just for one interest group or another, but for the future.

Jake Langlais, Lewiston, principal of Lewiston High School

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