To the Editor:

A few weeks ago I decided to write about the absolute beauty of my hometown, Farmington, ME. I have been so impressed this summer with how beautiful this town is with each and every garden created and maintained by our thoughtful and creative town employees. I can not name you all but we are blessed to have each and everyone of you. Thank you!

Then, on Monday, September 16, the unbelievable happened. An explosion that has killed one of our citizens and placed in jeopardy the lives of several others as they fulfilled their responsibilities we to often take for granted. But as the seconds following the incident became minutes and then hours, I truly saw the “beauty” of my hometown.

Yes, it’s beautiful gardens, fall foliage, winter’s awe and springs “rebirth” but above all it is the love and concern each and every citizen of Farmington has demonstrated as we all recognize and pray for our injured neighbors.

This is a beautiful and truly caring community.

Edmund H. Lewis

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