Karen Locke places name tags on canned goods in the Chesterville grange exhibit at Farmington Fair on Friday, September 13. Franklin Journal photo by Pam Harnden


FARMINGTON — Friday afternoon found the Exhibition Hall at Farmington Fair abuzz with chatter as displays took shape and entries came in for various contests.

On the first floor, several of the grange exhibitions were being worked on. Karen Locke was placing identification cards in front of the canned goods section of Chesterville’s exhibit.

Glenda Barker said there was a nice display this year in memory of Donald E. DeRoche, who passed away in February. For more than 20 years he spent time helping at the fair. He was active in getting the Red School House and New Sharon Library exhibits set up on the fairgrounds.

Barker said, “Vegetable entries haven’t been too strong this morning. I hope we get bombed tomorrow.”

Alberta Currier at left created the afghan and tatted piece held by her daughter, Elaine Moceus. Currier was waiting to enter those and other items at the Farmington Fair Exhibition Hall on Friday. Franklin Journal photo by Pam Harnden

Upstairs a line of people waited to enter their handiwork. Elaine Moceus was holding a pink and white afghan stitched by her mom, Alberta Currier.


“She’s got a whole basket of stuff,” Moceus said. “She tats. She did the center first on this piece.”

In the photography area, Fran Viles and Kim Teel were busy taking entries brought by Terry McManus of New Sharon.

Nancy Ellis and Kay Seefeldt were taking entries for artists. Peggy Riley of Canaan was entering works created by some of her art students.

“I do art at the Somerset County jail. Most of the time I bring things for other people,” she

At the Exhibition Hall Friday, artists brought works completed in the last year to show. Pictured from left are workers Nancy Ellis and Kay Seefeldt. At right is art teacher and exhibitor Peggy Riley of Canaan. Franklin Journal photo by Pam Harnden

said. “I teach, bring all of my students here.

“This year I have three of my own pieces.”

Entries for most contests in the Exhibition Hall were accepted through 5 p.m. Saturday. The exception was for flower arrangements and plants which had a deadline of noon on Sunday.

Terry McManus of New Sharon brought pictures to enter in the Farmington Fair on Friday. Also pictured from left are fair workers Fran Viles and Kim Teel. Franklin Journal photo by Pam Harnden



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