NORWAY — When students returned to Guy E. Rowe Elementary School Wednesday, Aug. 28, they were greeted with messages of encouragement and inspiration written on the sidewalks in colorful chalk. 

Schools across the country host “Chalk the Walk” events in which members of the community write messages on the sidewalks for the first day of school.  Teacher Carrisa Hammer saw a social media post about one such event and was motivated to bring the artful greetings to Rowe.

“Rowe has a plethora of sidewalks so I figured I would share the idea with the president of the Parent Teacher Organization, Sarah Carter,” Hammer said. “She was very happy with the idea. We already had some chalk leftover from last year we could use for this project.” 

Tuesday evening, members of the PTO gathered to write their messages on the front and rear entrance sidewalks. 

Sarah Carter, left, and Sara Partridge “Chalk the Walk” at Guy E. Rowe Elementary School Tuesday evening, Aug. 27. Dee Menear/Advertiser Democrat Buy this Photo

“Our students, all students really, should have as much positive feedback and encouragement as possible,” Hammer said. “Doing this “Chalk the Walk” not only gives them that, but it encourages parents to be even more involved with their students’ school lives. It is also a feel-good activity for all involved. At Rowe, we strive to create a community within the school and with the surrounding community beyond the families directly involved with the school. I feel this project will help us in that goal.”

Parents, students, school staff and members of the community were invited to join in by chalking their own messages on the walkways leading to the school.

“This is about creating a sense of community,” Carter said. “We want to welcome students back to school with a positive message and hope they have a successful year. We want all the kids here at Rowe to feel welcome.

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