AUBURN — The Auburn Public Library announces the fall selections for their longstanding book group. The group, the Auburn Page Turners, is looking for more members. The Auburn Page Turners first fall meeting will be at 12:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 9, to discuss “City of Thieves.”

Written by David Benioff, “City of Thieves” is set against the Siege of Leningrad. During the Nazis’ brutal siege of Leningrad, Lev Beniov is arrested for looting and thrown into the same cell as a handsome deserter named Kolya. Instead of being executed, Lev and Kolya are given a shot at saving their own lives by complying with an outrageous directive: secure a dozen eggs for a powerful Soviet colonel to use in his daughter’s wedding cake. In a city cut off from all supplies and suffering unbelievable deprivation, Lev and Kolya embark on a hunt through the dire lawlessness of Leningrad and behind enemy lines to find the impossible.

The Auburn Page Turners meet once a month. On Oct. 7 at 12:30 p.m., the group will discuss “Travels in Siberia,” to be followed on Nov. 4, also at 12:30 p.m., with the book “Visitation Street.”

While participants do not need to have necessarily finished the entire book, it is expected that a majority of the book has been read. Copies of each of these books can be requested through the inter-library loan process.

For more information about the process or the book group, call the library at 207-333-6640, ext. 4.

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