100 years ago: 1919

Watch for the red and blue signs! They will lead you to Cundy’s Harbor, where the big Lewiston-Auburn Field Day is to take place on Wednesday. There’s a big crowd going, and the transportation committee is putting forth every effort to obtain enough cars to care for everybody. If you will use yours for this purpose call, C.W. Bickford or Allen Ross, or the Chamber of Commerce. Chandler’s Band of 25 pieces will dispense music during the day. The sports committee has put in a lot of hard work and is planning some surprises. Winners of the events will receive substantial and useful prizes, as befit such an occasion.

50 years ago: 1969

Many huge elm trees in Auburn are dying creating hazardous conditions resulting from dead limbs. A city crew is working full time to clear these dead elms located on city property and Auburn City Manager Woodbury E. Brackett has urged private homeowners to remove any dead trees located on their property.

25 years ago: 1994

After 120 years of existence, the Monmouth Grange has dissolved and merged with the Winthrop Grange in an effort to preserve their members’ record of belonging and to create a stronger organization to serve the surrounding towns. “We didn’t have the numbers to continue holding meetings,” explained Monmouth Grange member Eleanor Hill, adding the decision to dissolve came after their second meeting of the year. The Monmouth Grange had roughly 34 members when it dissolved, she said. People’s lives just seem too busy to take the time out to join the Grange, Hill said of the decrease in new members.

The material used in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspellings and errors may be corrected.

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