The 2018-2019 Cub Scouting season has come to a close.  Scouts ranked up at the close of the school year, prepared for monthly summer activities and best of all, enjoyed summer camp at Camp Roosevelt in Eddington.

This past season local scouts were able to earn some brand new awards that Old Town area Cubs don’t typically see.   One of the awards, the Nova award, a large star patch, is earned by doing special STEM related requirements. This past season scouts earned the Nova patch for a topic called, Out of This World.  The space science themed award sent them on a journey to learn about the Mars rovers, Spirit, Opportunity and Curiosity. Then by transforming into NASA engineers they created their own Mars rovers from LEGOs and designed a space base.  We discussed different careers in the field of space science.

Another STEM related award the pack was able to award this season is a very big deal. Seven Arrow of Light scouts (5th graders) spent extra time together to earn the Charles H. Townes Supernova award.  The award is a large bronze medal and the first that the Pack has been able to award since it was developed by the BSA.

A third award earned this season was the Conservation Good Turn Award.  Pack 76 partnered up with Juniper Ridge Landfill in a clean up event back in March to help prepare for their maple sugaring season (did you know that Juniper Ridge Landfill has a sugar shack). With this partnership, we had 20 scouts and 17 adults providing many hours of service that day and were able to earn their Conservation Good Turn Award patches, and the Pack was awarded a certificate of the same name from Penobscot Valley District at their annual awards banquet.

Last thing to mention is that scouts for Pack 76 won first place at the annual Packwagon Scramble in Brewer this year!  Scouts from all over the County compete in this event. Organized in teams of four, scouts run back and forth all over the field pulling a wagon to different stations where they need to answer various scout related questions or perform sport related activities, like kicking a soccer ball into a small net.

Cub Scouts is for all elementary aged children, boy or girl.  Pack 76 serves RSU 34 and is a very active group. We pride ourselves with providing a wonderful scout program with lots of activities, community service and your scouts will love earning lots of awards.  Look for the recruitment date in September to learn more, or if you don’t want to wait, its FB page is: Old Town Area Cubs Pack 76, send us a message.

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