Michele Briggs, library director at Underwood Memorial Library shows the carpet sample and paint colors that will be installed in the library’s main room this fall. Livermore Falls Advertiser photo by Pam Harnden

FAYETTE — A  new library director, new schedule and a new look are making folks at the Underwood Memorial Library excited.

Evelyn Feagin, who took over as director after ‘Lady Elaine’ Wilcox retired stepped down in March due to commitments at the Fayette Central School. Assistant director Michele Briggs was named to replace her on March 27.

Feagin is still active at the library, helping with the summer reading program. This year, the children’s program meets from 1 to 2 p.m. Wednesday afternoons through August 14. In previous years the program was held on Thursdays through late August.

Evelyn Feagin reads The Wizard of Oz during the summer reading program at Underwood Memorial Library in Fayette. Seen sitting in front from left are Ellie Harmon and Brynlie Pond. Middle row from left are Sammi Harris, Cmeron Courtiss and Taylor Harris. In back from left are brothers Ascher and Carson Pond. Livermore Falls Advertiser photo by Pam Harnden

Briggs said the library’s biggest news is an anonymous $50,000 donation that will provide a face lift indoors. New carpeting will be installed and the walls painted.

“We’re doing the painting ourselves due to time limits. This little library deserves to be taken care of,” Briggs said.

New rolling book stacks will replace those in the main room. The new stacks will be in three foot sections that can abut each other to open the library up for smaller community functions.


The current shelves will be put in the children’s room. The ones currently there are too short for many books to fit upright.

Underwood Memorial Library is one of two historic buildings in Fayette.

“The library will be historic on the outside. Modern, up to date, fresh and clean on the inside,” Feagin said.

On September 10 the books will be moved to a climate controlled storage area. The library is expected to be closed for two to four weeks while the indoor renovations are completed.

“When done, the library will come across as very elegant,” Briggs said.

She said the office will be painted and new shelves installed.


“We just did the reading room, the children’s room won’t have anything other than the new shelves done. Everything else will be spiffed up seriously.” Briggs said.

Meanwhile, Feagin read The Wizard of Oz to the children eagerly watching the illustrations while trying to find Toto. Afterwards the children made tornadoes in a bottle using plastic bottles, water, glitter and dish detergent. By swirling the closed bottle vigorously, a cyclone could be seen developing inside the bottle.

“The bottles can’t be too flexible, they have to be solid to work,” Briggs said.

Later children colored animal figures or checked out the books they wished to take home to read.

During the summer reading program at Underwood Memorial Library in Fayette on July 24, children made tornadoes in a bottle after hearing The Wizard of Oz. An empty firm plastic bottle was filled three quarters with water. A small amount of glitter and several drops of dish detergent were added, the cover put on tightly and then the bottle was swirled vigorously while held upside down. Livermore Falls Advertiser photo by Pam Harnden




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