Town of Hartford
Selectboard Meeting
August 1, 2019
Agenda, Town Office
7:00 PM Selectboard Meeting

I. Call Meeting to order
II. Review meeting minutes from:
1. Selectboard Meeting on July 18, 2019
2. Executive Meeting on July 19, 2019
3. Special Selectboard Meeting on July 25, 2019
III. Review Warrants:
IV. Reports:
1. RSU 10 Report:
2. Road Report:
a. Winter Sand Contract
3. CEO Report:
4. ACO Report:
5. Planning Board Report:
6. Ordinance Committee Report:
7. Fire Warden Report:
8. Treasurer Report:
V. Unfinished Business:
1. Disposition of Swan Pond lots (Former Transfer Station)
2. Pratt Hill Grant – Doug/Bim – Initial HEB General Provisions. Discuss AVCOG Contract for Services/Grant for Pratt Hill Road
3. Request use of Town Hall for Workshops
4. Sign updated Personnel Policy
5. Road Committee request for ordinance changes
VI. Calendar Reminders:
1. Town Office Brainstorming session
2. August 6th meeting in Buckfield, Shared services, 5pm-6pm, Buckfield Municipal Building
3. Irish Memorial Dedication – August 25, 1:pm-4:pm
VII. Open Session:
VIII. New Business:
1. Excise refund – Craig Millett
2. Excise difference-2yrs old /Jason Rab– Refund?
3. Little Bear Pond Fire – the Horn’s
4. No Spray Ordinance
5. Discuss removing the woodstove from the Town Hall
6. Appointments/Resignations
7. Training
IX. Review Correspondence:
X. Adjourn

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