LEWISTON — Emily Gibson of Mechanic Falls, presented her student research entitled “Taking the Lead on Lead Poisoning: Identifying Culturally Competent Initiatives to Increase Awareness of this Pervasive Toxin” at the 18th Mount David Summit. The annual celebration of academic achievement highlights undergraduate research; student creative work in art, dance, theater, music and film/video; projects conducted in the context of academic courses; and community-engaged research.

“A major feature of academic life at Bates, the Mount David Summit gives our students the opportunity to share their novel and consequential creative and scholarly work,” said Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty Malcolm Hill.

Gibson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Darryl G. Gibson of Mechanic Falls, and a 2015 graduate of Poland Regional High School was among 217 Bates students who presented research posters, short talks, panel discussions, demonstrations, literary readings, and video screenings highlighting their work. Gibson worked with Karen Palin, lecturer in biology, on their research.

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