Apple Valley

Wednesday, June 26 Ladies League results: A Flight: Net — Fran Blanchette 35; N-O-S-E (Game of the Day) — Fran Blanchette 30; B Flight: Net — Nancy Sage 27; N-O-S-E (Game of the Day) — Nancy Sage 25; C Flight: Net — Diane Doyon 35; N-O-S-E (Game of the Day) — Diane Doyon 30; Overall: Fewest Putts — Nancy Sage 14; Birdie — Diane Poliquin No. 9; 50/50 — Jill Longstaff.


Wednesday, June 26 Men’s League results: Gross — 1. Chris Cloutier 35 2. Tony Dubois 38 3. Scott McCurdy 40 3. Evan Cyr 40 3. Tom Cyr 40; Net — 1. 1. Brandon Kyajohnian 31 1. Evan Cyr 31 1. Moe Bissonnette 31 4. Rusy Cyr 32 4. Chris Cloutier 32 4. Steve McGuire 32 4. Greg Emery 32 4. Larry Baril 32.

Wednesday, June 26 Senior League scramble results: 1. John Moreau/Vic Labrecque/Len Winsky -6 2. Mark Pontbriand/Don Hawthorne/Gene Keene/Paul Spencer -4 3. Chanel Leblanc/Russ Desjardins/Ron Bilodeau/Bob Bolduc -3; Pins: No. 11 — 1. John Mathieu 6′ 2. Russ Desjardins 15’3″ 3. Pastor Vail 26’7″ No. 13 — 1. John Moreau 12’4″ 2. Rick Gardiner 33’2″ 3. Dave Depot 40’1″.

Fox Ridge


Tuesday, June 25 Blanchard Men’s League results: 1. Cam Maquis/Norm Marquis 98 2. Tracy Cloutier/Bob Washburn 93.5 3. Joe Larivierre/Scott Laberge 92.5; Pins: No. 3 — Tracy Cloutier 2’5″ No. 16 — Ray Vachon 11’8″; Skins — Bob Baum No. 2, Bob Washburn No. 4 and No. 7, Tracy Cloutier No. 6, Ray Vachon No. 8; 50/50 — Ozzy Campbell.

Jenifer Stewart, from Falmouth, scored her first ace on the 89-yard fifth hole at Fox Ridge Golf Club on Monday, June 24. She was competing in the MSGA Metropolitan Club Championship. Jen snagged the ace with an 8 iron, but did not see the ball go into the hole. Her playing partners, Mary Abbott, Sandy Boardman, and Polly Hoffman, all from Cape Arundel Golf Club, assured her it was in.

June 24-25 MSGA Metropolitan Club Championship results: GROSS: Mary Brandes/Laurie Hyndman/Cathy Keeley/Cecily Whiting 67; Pennie Cummings/Kathy Drake/Lori Frost/Kristin Kannegieser 68; Nancy Bither/Patty Good/Theresa O’Leary/Lisa Wintle 76; Kristin Cirbus/Karen Moody/Celeste Ross/Sally Williams 77; Pat Bouton/Rosemary Lyons/Fran McRay/Linda Varrell 79; Diane Bova/Donna Leighton/Pam Saulten/Irene Schultz 79; Terri Bruneau/Cheryl Degrandpre/Cathy Fifield/Daphne Warren 79 NET: Carolyn Cianchette/Allison Landes/Sue Moody/Alison Watkins 56; Heidi Haylock/Neila Nelke/Karen Richardson/Joyce Sarchi 58; Stephanie Babin/Laura Blanchette/Mary Pirkola/Bernice Vadnais 58; Kim Burnham/Sandy Kostis/Cindi Kostis/Terry Sullivan 58; Colleen Arnold/Maureen Collins/Lisa Fontaine/Caren Lederer 59; Wendy Bean/Jan Hill/Jennifer Schubert/Louise Trask 60; Jean Farrell/Patti Girr/Sherron Small/Bobbie White 60; Emily Christy/Stacy Calderwood/Sue Anne Higgins/Janet Laflamme 60 Skins GROSS: Hyndman, Laurie 1st ,9th; Haylock, Heidi 10th; Brandes, Mary 13th; Keeley, Catherine 17th; Frost, Lori 2nd NET: Gunning, Kathie 16th, Hall, Charlotte 6th.

Poland Spring

Friday, June 28 Sweeps results: Gross — 1. Dan Bouttenot 72 2. Duane Ross 78 2. Rafael Barajas 78 4. Robert Wood 82 4. John Petrocelli 82; Net — 1. John Petrocelli 65 2. Dan Bouttenot 67 3. Duane Ross 68 3. Rick Meagher 68 5. Dan Sansoucy 70 5. Peter Godin 70; Pins: No. 6 — 1. Claude Lesperance 16’11” 2. Robert Wood 24’11” 3. Dave Conley 27′ 4. Rafael Barajas 37’6″ No. 8 — Duane Ross 1’8″ No. 13 — John Petrocelli 7’4″; Skins: Gross — Greg Gagnier No. 6, Duane Ross No. 8, William Bgert No. 11, Dan Bouttenot No. 14 and 16; Net — Rick Meagher No. 1, David Venne No. 7, Duane Ross No. 8, Dan Bouttenot No. 14.



Thursday, June 27 Women’s League 3-3-3 results: 1. Linda Mynahan/Ashley Golden 29 2. Carmen Cohen/Patti Ayotte 31 3. Jo Albert/Rachel Newman 34; Pins: No. 13 — Linda Mynahan 25’3″ No. 15 — Dorina Martin 14’8″.

Wednesday, June 26 Senior League Point Quota results: 1. Rich Howard +10 2. Joe Mertzel +9.

Monday, June 24 Mixed Pinehurst results: Gross — Ashley Golden/Ken Carver 38 Net — Claire Carpentier/Bill Crane 33; Pins: No. 13 — Ken Carver 12’4″ No. 15 — Dave St.Andre 23’6″.

Turner Highlands

Wednesday, June 26 CMSGA Seniors results: Overall Gross: Reid Birdsall 72M,Truman Libby 72, Jack Wallace 73; Net: Alan Caron 63M, Joe Shaw63, Gene Reny 64M; FLIGHT 1 Gross: Tom Downs 76M, Dave Ballew 76, Eric Lowell 79; Net: Steve Lajoie 64, Mike Flanagan 65, Colin Roy 68; FLIGHT 2 Gross: Bruce Bubier 76, Doug Boyink 77, Forrest Dillon 80; NET: Bob Wood 65, Jim Ouellette 68M, Dale Northrup 68; FLIGHT 3 Gross: Paul Connolly 82M, Ed McKay 82, Paul Pooler 83; Net: Ben Doody 67, Alan Turner 68, Wayne Gifford 69; FLIGHT 4 Gross: Paul Auger 81, Dave Kus 83, Spike Herrick 85; Net:, Bob Coates 69M, Paul Sherman 70M, Ron Newton 70M; Super Senior: Gross: Bob Ouellette 88; NET: Leo Lever 73; Best Ball Gross: Jim Curtis, Truman Libby, Bob Ouellette, Paul Sherman 67M, Geno Rng, Jack Wallace, Bill Audette, Forrest Dillon 67; Best Ball Net: , Dave Ballew, Tom Downs, Phil McCabe, Tom Davis 56M, Tim Cuthbertson, Eric Lindquist, Fred Roig, Joe Shaw 56M; Pins: No.4 Jim Daly 4′ 0” Jack Connolly 6′ 5” No.8 Tom Downs7′ 5” Brian Hatch 7′ 7” No.10 Bruce Bubier 7′ 8” Eric Lowell 8′ 8” No.15 Eric Lindquist 1′ 2” Richard MacDonald 1′ 4” No.18 Spike Herrick 12′ 5” Larry Whitaker 14′ 11” SKINS: Gross: #2 Jack Wallace(2) #14 Steve Litchfield (3) NET #3 Wayne Gifford (2) #6 Darrell Moody (2) #8 Alan reed (1) #13 Paul Detorre (1).

Turner Highlands


Tuesday Men’s League results: Flight One: Gross — Ryan Marston 37; Net — Jim Timberlake 32; Pins: No. 12 (second shot) — Stan Camic 15’7″ No. 15 — Steve Nickey 11″; Flight Two: Gross — Rick Beaudet 43; Net — Duane Nichols 30.5; Pins: No. 4 — Bob Dillow 7’3″ No. 9 (second shot) — Billy Sullivan 8’5″

Monday Men’s League: Gross — Josh Tainter 41; Net — David Shaw 35; Pins: No. 10 — Jesse Crowell/David Shaw 29’3″ No. 12 (second shot) — Joel Turcotte 21’3″.

Monday Senior Ladies League results: 1. Ricky Christenson +7 2. Joni Goulette +4 3. Joan Boynton +3 4. Sherry Deschaine +2.

June 22-23 two man best ball results: 1. Ryan Wilkins/Derek Cutter -15 2. Paul Soracco/Luke Bourassa -12

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