Here is a small smattering of items as they appeared in the July 4,1895 edition of the Rangeley Lakes newspaper. They cover some early summer fishing, the big meeting to straighten out a lawbook problem regarding Quimby Pond, the school closing for the summer in Rangeley Plantation, news from the narrow-gauge railroad and a story about a very lucky teamster.

It was all the news that was fit to print regarding the “Big Doins” about the region in early summer 1895. Enjoy, and be sure to stop by the Outdoor Heritage Museum in Oquossoc soon. Things are always changing and history marches on!

Happy Summah!

“Up at Billy’s” (Billy Soule)

Pleasant Island Camps

Only a few here now, but lots are coming “after the Fourth.”


Harry Dutton and his friends will be along the last of July.

A numerous party from New York is coming the 6th or 7th of July.

The fishing on ’Suptic stream is first rate, being especially good at the falls.

The water is falling every day. It is down a foot and a half from the highwater mark at the falls, and from 8 to 10 inches on the lakes. The Messrs. Clement, from Portland, with Bert Marco as guide, went over to Beaver Bog, which lies just south of Deer Mountain in the Haines Ridges, the other day and had splendid sport. The fish rose so fast that two or three were taken at every cast.

Billy Soule


Quimby Pond


The hearing on the Quimby pond matter, before Commissioners of Inland Fisheries and Game, Wentworth, Stanley and Oak. was held at the Rangeley Lake House, Tuesday morning. There was a good attendance, but everyone favored the restrictions asked for by the petitioners.

F. E. Timberlake, Esq., opened the case for the petitioners and explained that the law as it is at present was the result of an error by the engrossing clerk after the bill had passed both branches of the legislature. The words “pounds of” having been inserted so that it now reads “twenty-five pounds of trout” instead of twenty-five trout as was intended. But few witnesses were called, J. D. W. Quimby, E. I. Herrick and K. W. Oakes favored restriction and no one appearing to oppose, the hearing was adjourned. Later the Commissioners announced their verdict limiting the number of trout and land-locked salmon to not more than fifteen in all in any one day.

The Quimby Pond hearing brings out the stories respecting former times. Here is one from Charles F. Quimby: “Thirty years ago a party of four or five from Lewiston, one named Hicks, a restaurant keeper, stopped with my father. They went to the pond and fished nearly all day, returning with the fish strung on strings and the strings on a pole which was carried on the shoulders of two men and was as much as they could carry.”


Rangeley Plantation.

The summer term of school, under the instruction of Miss Maud Peary, of Avon, closed, with a picnic, last Friday. Fruit, cake, lemonade and ice cream were served. Among those present was a veteran of the late war of rebellion, who, for the first time in his life, partook of ice cream. He has attained the good old age of 72 and is still hale and hearty.


What so rare as a day in June? It was a perfect morning, the mountains were as clear and distinct as the nearer hills, each tree seemed plainly outlined from its neighbor, and the breeze from the lake was most invigorating. Even that familiar line, from the good old hymn:

“Could we but climb where Moses stood,

And view the landscape o’er”, fails to impress one with a scene more beautiful than could have been looked upon, from any mountain top about the Rangeley regions.


Railroad Notes.

Conductor, Charles Smith, has been off duty but six days, for over a year.


Thursday was the first trip for a longtime that the afternoon train went into Phillips without freight. The section men on the Phillips & Rangeley railroad are cutting the bushes, pulling the weeds and grass along the track, and making improvements generally.

Miller Reed, the acting agent at Reed’s Mill, is a great circus follower; in fact, a show of any kind has a great attraction for him. Knowing this, show bills are always sent him, and just at the present time the front of the station is glowing with the gaudy circus posters.


Eben Rowe caused a bit of excitement among those who witnessed it Wednesday. He was hauling logs from the lake across to Haley pond. His team was loaded and when he reached to pick up the reins, the horses started throwing him into the water under the logs. The largest log of the load rolled him over and over in the mud and water before it left him. He got up and went home, apparently uninjured, and was working as usual next day.

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