
Tuesday June 18 Blanchard’s results: Tuesday Night Men’s League: 1. Cam Marquis/Norm Marquis 86.5;  2. Tracy Cloutier/Bob Washburn 83; 3. Bob Baum/Scott Jeffords 80;  Pins: No. 16 — Tracy Cloutier 20’3”, No. 13 — Bob Washburn 3’7”; 50/50 — Mike Olehowski.


Monday, June 17 two person best ball results: Gross — Claire Carpentier/Bill Crane 40; Net — 1. Ashley Golden/en Carver 29 2. John Paradis/Tammy Paradis 31; Pins: No. 2 — Ashley Golden 4’9″ No. 8 — Claire Carpentier 30′.

Tuesday June 18 results: First flight: Brian Henderson +10.5, Ray Roy +4.5, Bob Kent +1.5; Second flight: Mark Susi +3, Ray Convery +3, Tom Tiner +2, Dave Kus +2; Third Flight: Matt Sullivan +5, Steve Bodge +1, Rich Douglass +1, Ray Fletcher +1; Closest to the pin: Blue No. 2 — Mark Susi 21’5”, Black No. 2 Brian Henderson 3’1”, Blue No. 8 — Jeff Kent 35’, Black No. 8 — Mike Godin 4’5”.

Wednesday June 19 S results: John Murphy +7, Rick Shea +6, John Anastasio +2.


The Meadows

June 19 Meadows results: 1. Lin Mathieu/Kim Coombs/Chris Sirois/ Phyllis Greim 37; 2. Maureen Spencer/Debra Charest/Kim Soule 39 3.  Muriel Burroughs/Jolene Girouard/Louise Cote/Lynn Polley 40; Pin:  No. 17 — Connie Doboga/Camille Booker/Anita Morin/ Pauline Blais.

Turner Highlands

Monday Morning seniors ladies: First place: Prudence Hornberger +8, Second place: Ricky Christenson +2; Monday Nights men’s league: First gross: Josh Tainter 37; First net: David Shaw 32; Closest to the pin: No. 4 Josh Tainter 31’6”; No. 2 Chris Bessey 35’8”; Tuesday’s Night men’s league: Flight one: Low Gross: Bob Fitzgerald 36; Low Net: Peter Mercier 31; Closest to the pin: No. 4 James St. Jean 33’9”, No. 2 Tim Doyle Jr. 8’6”; Flight two: Warren Walton 41; Low Net: Duane Nichols 32.5; Closest to the pin: No. 15 Chris Giles 1’1”, No. 12 Norm St. Pierre 30’2”; Senior League: First place: Keven Mower and Marcel Goulette +16; Second Place: Rick Beaudet and Tom Lowell +11, Third place: Neil Peaslee and Ken Maxim/ Ron Chenard and Peter Emery +5; Closest to the pin: No. 4 Peter Emery 13’1”, No. 12 Randy Nichols 8’10”.


Monday, June 17 CMSGA results: Overall Gross: Truman Libby 71, Dave Ballew 74, Bruce Bubier 75; Net: Ken Lajoie 57M, Mike Garrity 57, Tony Trask 60M; FLIGHT 1 Gross: Bob Pellerin 77, Dennis Leaver 81M, Dave St. Andre 81; Net: Gene Reny 64M, Don Blake 64, Joe Shaw 65M; FLIGHT 2 Gross: Reid Birdsall 77M, Jim Daly 77, Joe Keller 79; NET: Dan Cosgrove 61, Dale Northrup 63, Wick Johnson 64; FLIGHT 3 Gross: Bruce Stafford 77, Bob Morrill 79, Ray Brochu 80; Net: Jerry Chase 64M, Brian Devins 64, Alan Turner 65M FLIGHT 4 Gross: Bill Blakemore 82M, Chip Morrison 82, Richaard Cowan 83M; Net:, Dennis McNeish 60, Dick mcAuslin 63, Roy Bennett 64; Super Senior: Gross: Bob Ouellette 83; NET: Paul Jackson 67; Best Ball Gross: Dave Ames, Roy Bennett, Joe Keller, Bill Barbour 69M, Truman Libby, Bob Ouellette, Paul Sherman 69M; Best Ball Net: , Dave Clifford, Mark Kamen, Alan Reed, Dale Northrup 55M, John Collins, Mike Garrity, Steve Curtis, Chip Morrison 55 Pins: No. 2 Wayne Sanford 3’ 11” Bruce Bubier 6’ 2” Tom Downs 6’ 2” No. 6 Reid Birdsall 20’ 7” Leo Bellemare 30’ 5” No. 13 Bruce Bubier 10’ 11” Bob Morrill 11’ 2” No. 16 Dave Kus 11’ 0” Tom Davis 11’ 1” SKINS: Gross: #5 Wayne Sanford(3) (3) #11 Truman Libby (3) NET #1 Charles Nelson (1) #6 Dennis McNeish (1) #14 Dale Northrup (1) #16 Jerry Chase (1)

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