“The Human Variety Show” Steve Corning, also known as “The Human Variety Show,” is the featured performer June 20 in the Longley Square Square Summer Performance Series. (Submitted image)

NORWAY — The headliner at the Longley Square Summer Performance Series on June 20 is Steve Corning.

Dubbed “The Human Variety Show,” Showtime Steve is a one-of-a-kind variety performer, harnessing his signature off-the-cuff comedy and show-stopping stunts to create a high-energy show unlike any other.

Audiences across the U.S. and beyond have seen Corning juggle everything from shoes and car keys, to machetes and balloons, as well as re-create a 100-year-old Houdini rope escape, fit his entire body through a folding chair, manipulate LED light props in the dark, and balance a ladder (and other dangerous items) on his chin.

All this, mixed with a healthy dose of physical comedy and audience participation, will make this show an unforgettable experience for the whole family. The event starts with a public Hoop Jam at 5 p.m., followed by the featured performer at 6 p.m. Bring your family and don’t forget a lawn chair and/or blanket. Bring your own hula-hoop or borrow one onsite from the Nevaeh Dance Circus.

The event is a sponsored project of CREATIVE NORWAY, a 501c3 nonprofit organization. Funding for this project comes through Oxford Federal Credit Union with additional media support from WOXO.

For information, email moovinonproductions@gmail.com.



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